Sunday, May 27, 2012

My Magickal Name

I took another class from a friend on finding your magickal name.  I've had a few over the years.  I used "shadowrose" from the very beginning, because I liked dark colors, such as black and purple, and the rose was my favorite flower.  Lately, as I've delved deeper into the craft I wondered if it was time to move on to something different, more in tune with where I am now.  However, I have found that the darker side of the path attracts me.  Not evil, but the darker aspects, the shadow work.  The darker deities, doing moon work.  I've always liked the night.  Also, I have acquired an old English rose, an apothecary rose.  That thing is indestructable.  It takes over and chokes out everything in it's path.  It is aggressive and assertive.  It is thorny and protective.  So, the idea of ShadowRose was reaffirmed for me, because that is what I am seeking on this path.  Through my meditation though, I have added a last name to reflect the call I feel from the Morrigan.  So officially my name is ShadowRose NicMor-rioghain.  "Nic" is gaelic for "daughter of."

I picked up some treasures this weekend.

This gorgeous hand-thrown mug spoke to me.  Each one was a little different in size and shape, truly unique.  I picked the one that called to me.

this medallion also spoke to me.  Reminded me of a theatre mask.

I found an 8 note thumb piano.  It's lots of fun to play!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Well, I've successfully completed my course on Book of Shadows.  I signed up for a course on candle magic.  I do need to finish my course on the tarot.  I think I've been intimidated.  I won a book on tarot and a deck called The Pathfinder's Tarot on Listia.  I also ordered a book on astral projection for beginners on  I'm taking a mini-course in choosing a magickal name, got half of it done.  Interested to see where this leads....

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Tarot Wish List

Well, I've been experiencing tarot-block.  It's similar to writer's block.   I think I'm intimidated by the cards.  I'm going to give my homework another try.  I think I can do it this time.  There are other decks I'd like to pick up, though, so I've started a wish list:

1.  The Sorcerer's Tarot
2.  Anne Stoke's Gothic Tarot
3.  The Steampunk Tarot
4.  Corrine Kenner's Wizard's Tarot
5.  The Easy Tarot
6.  The Rose Knight manga tarot

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

First Tarot Spread

okay, so last night i was in chat and we drew tarot cards. i was using a brand new deck, The Llewellyn Tarot. I got this set because it came with it's own tarot bag, which was really pretty. As I looked through the cards I like the artwork, and the major arcana seems to be celtic gods. So, i laid aside the star card, which happened to be Branwen. then i was told to draw from the center of my deck. I drew the empress. however, the person just before me had been told to draw from the middle and if we had been following the pattern i should have drawn from the bottom, so i drew that card just out of curiosity. i got a four of swords, reversed. i found in my deck a card demonstrating a card spread i guess was designed for this deck. it's called "Llew's Spread" and it is intended to "illuminate a situation." it uses a total of five cards, so i picked out two more and put them in order. the center card is first, it is called the sun card and it says that the sun card brings hidden aspects of the situation to light. the second card goes to the left of the center card and is called the dawn card, it represents the situation that is manifesting. the third card goes to the top of the center card, it is the noon card and represents the issues that cannot be ignored. the fourth card goes to the right of the center card, it is called the dusk card and respresents the help you will receive. the fifth card goes to the bottom of the center card, it is called the midnight card and represents the resolution of the situation.

this is what my spread looks like. the star is in the center, the empress to the left, the reverses four of sword at top, the knight of wands to the right and the four of pentacles at the bottom.

i am inexperienced with tarot, so i am pondering over these cards and asking friends for insights. oh, and Rhiannon represents the empress....  i hope to have some insights soon!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Lovely Treasures

Well, I got some more goodies today.  My Italian glass writing set came.  It's gorgeous.  I can't wait to start using it!

I took a "mental health" day today where I took off by myself and went to a used book store.  I had found some good books there before, but today they didn't have any treasures :(  So then I did some shopping for ribbon for crochet projects, then I went to my local metaphysical center and traded in some books.  I got store credit and picked up two items I had been wanting.

It is a lovely, tiny, silver bell with the triquetra engraved on it, and the other is a black handled "bosom" knife.  Very exciting for me!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

My First BOS

I love pink, so I was attracted to this book.

The end papers are what sold me on it.

My first entry.  I'm trying to learn the correspondences to the pentagram.  I had to include several other things in it for my first BOS lesson.  I'm sure I'll be adding to it regularly.

Monday, February 20, 2012

First Class

Well, I have started my first class, Book of Shadows.  So far it is really good.  I am working on lesson one, hope to turn it in on Wednesday.  The instructor introduces you to the concept of the BOS, gives a little history, then challenges you to think about how you will create and keep your own.  I had to list five things that I would keep in mine, and then the last assignment is to put items that fall into those five categories into my book and write about the experience.  I will have to track down some of those things and do that.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Beginning Studies

I belong to an online forum that is starting their own school of witchcraft.  It's Stormy's Book of Shadows and the school is ShadowLight.  Classes start Wednesday and I am signed up for the Book of Shadows class.  I'm only taking one class at a time (it's a self-paced kind of school) because before I was taking 4 classes at one time (the max) and I got bogged down.  I have a greater sense of accomplishment when I actually finish things.  I get discouraged and frustrated when I have a lot of things open ended.  So the plan is to take BOS class, then the class on Dreams, the probably the class on Crystals and Gemstones.  There are only a few classes offered to begin with.  They are offering a degree program, so I will work on getting the prerequisite classes so I can take the degree class of Witchcraft 1.  I'm already looking at the first lesson in BOS.  This is so exciting!  I think the BOS class will be right up my alley since I love journaling :)

Thursday, February 16, 2012

BOS or Grimoire?

I love journaling, so as a witch this translates into keeping a tome of my own.  I've been doing a lot of reading and most places consider a book of shadows or a grimoire as interchangable -- you just call it what you want.  There are a couple places that said in some traditions a grimoire is seen as a spell book or instructional book alone.  So, in my practice a book of shadows will be my journal, a place I collect knowledge, spells and experiences.  Then, as I begin to develop my own spells and rituals, try them and settle on them, those will go in my grimoire.  I was reading Patricia Telesco's book on keeping a book of shadows and she was talking about organizing it, etc. and that is hard to do when you are learning and discovering new things.  I think the system I have come up with is really going to work for me.  I will probably also devleop an index for my books of shadows so I can look something up over the years....  This is an exciting prospect for me!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

more goodies

i got some more goodies in the mail today.

the necklace is a pentagram made of brooms.  the other is a pair of scissors with a blade cover.  silver seems to becoming the metal of choice for my sacred items.  all my altar items are pewter-like.

my new ring.  it's a pentagram over top an oak tree.  the oak tree has really been calling to me lately.  i have ordered my athame from another place, and it seems to have gone through okay.  so tomorrow i'll go to the bank and try to get the money returned from the other place i ordered from.  i ordered it over three weeks ago.  i've emailed several times, i got a phone number off my bank statement and only got an answering service.  SO, i'm done with them.  don't order anything from Nocturnal Treasures in TX.  i don't mind something being late as long as they communicate with me.

tomorrow i may play with my tarot cards and try to learn them....

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

bah humbug

Valentine's Day.  Bah humbug.  If there was ever a holiday that needed that phrase, this is it.  Life stinks right now.  I am so emotionally distant from hubby right now that it's like living with a brother.  He is busy with schooling.  Takes me for granted.  Planned absolutely nothing for today.  So, I went out and got me a set of pens and some yarn, and treated myself to a steak and cheese at Subway.  Then I went out to a Valentine's party for ladies while hubby and son went to karate.  It's still been a lousy day.  I just wish I was in love....

Sunday, February 12, 2012

my new jewelry

my lovely celtic pentacle ring

my masonic venus pendant.  i love 'em both!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

My Witchy Book Wishlist

I've been doing research and I've found some books that sound very interesting.  I plan on picking them up a little at a time.  If anyone has some info about them I'd love to hear it.

The Inner Temple of Witchcraft, book and CD, Christopher Penczak

The Three Rays of Witchcraft, Penczak

A Year of Esbats, Shannon Reilly

Embracing the Moon, Yasmine Galenorn

Herbal Alchemist's Handbook, Karen Harrison

Llewellyn's Complete Formulary of Magical Oils, Celeste Rayne Heldstab

Holland's Grimoire of Magical Correspondences, Eileen Holland

Folklore and Symbolism of Flowers, Plants and Trees, Ernst Lehner

Pure Magic, Judika Illes

The Element Encyclopedia of Witchcraft, Judika Illes

Natural Witchcraft, Marian Green

Wild Witchcraft, Marian Green

A Witch Alone, Marian Green

A Green Witch's Formulary, Deborah J. Martin

Green Magic, Morwyn

Witch's Brew, Morwyn

Witchstones, Wendy Trevennor

Llewellyn's Complete Book of Names, K.M. Sheard

Signs, Symbols & Omens, Raymond Buckland

Magick & Rituals of the Moon, Edain Mc Coy

Lady of the Night: A Handbook of Moon Magick and Rituals, Edain McCoy

Finding Our Way Through the Dark, Demetra George

Mysteries of the Dark Moon, Demetra George

Practical Sigil Magic, Frater U.D.

Earth Power, Cunningham

Earth, Air, Fire & Water, Cunningham

Practical Candleburning, Buckland

The Enchanted Formulary, Lady Maeve Rhea

Magickal Formulary Spellbook 1 & 2, Herman Slater

Tarot and Astrology, Corinne Kenner

Astrology for Yourself, Demetra George

Craft of the Wild Witch, Poppy Palin

Advanced Wicca, Patricia Telesco

Advanced Witchcraft, Edain McCoy

Enchantments, Edain McCoy


we haven't had a winter to speak of this year.  it's hardly even been cold.  the "bad" snow storm they were calling for a month ago was a dud.  actually it was supposed to be an ice storm, and it didn't happen.  we missed a karate lesson "playing it safe" and regretted it.  so this snow is just pretty, no inconvenience at all.  hope we get a little more winter, otherwise i fear we are in for an ugly summer....

Friday, February 10, 2012

taking shape

I have longed to have a little space of my own, somewhere I can escape the hectic world around me.  I live in my grandmere's house.  As a child I used to play in her attic.  It holds fond memories for me.  So, it makes sense that I would retreat to that space to carve out a little niche for myself.

these book cases are at the top of the stairs on the right side.

this is my altar space on the left side.

I'm still working on things, trying to get organized, etc.