Tuesday, February 28, 2012

First Tarot Spread

okay, so last night i was in chat and we drew tarot cards. i was using a brand new deck, The Llewellyn Tarot. I got this set because it came with it's own tarot bag, which was really pretty. As I looked through the cards I like the artwork, and the major arcana seems to be celtic gods. So, i laid aside the star card, which happened to be Branwen. then i was told to draw from the center of my deck. I drew the empress. however, the person just before me had been told to draw from the middle and if we had been following the pattern i should have drawn from the bottom, so i drew that card just out of curiosity. i got a four of swords, reversed. i found in my deck a card demonstrating a card spread i guess was designed for this deck. it's called "Llew's Spread" and it is intended to "illuminate a situation." it uses a total of five cards, so i picked out two more and put them in order. the center card is first, it is called the sun card and it says that the sun card brings hidden aspects of the situation to light. the second card goes to the left of the center card and is called the dawn card, it represents the situation that is manifesting. the third card goes to the top of the center card, it is the noon card and represents the issues that cannot be ignored. the fourth card goes to the right of the center card, it is called the dusk card and respresents the help you will receive. the fifth card goes to the bottom of the center card, it is called the midnight card and represents the resolution of the situation.

this is what my spread looks like. the star is in the center, the empress to the left, the reverses four of sword at top, the knight of wands to the right and the four of pentacles at the bottom.

i am inexperienced with tarot, so i am pondering over these cards and asking friends for insights. oh, and Rhiannon represents the empress....  i hope to have some insights soon!

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